Pick the Tonys with Talkin' Broadway

re: why didn't they recreate the Brothel Ballet when thay did FOSSE/?
Posted by: AlanScott 04:37 pm EDT 05/12/24
In reply to: why didn't they recreate the Brothel Ballet when thay did FOSSE/? - bmc 02:37 pm EDT 05/12/24

I think most everything in Fosse existed on video and so could be recreated. In all likelihood, there was no film of the ballet from New Girl in Town, and it was too long ago for anyone who was alive at the time to remember it well enough that a reconstruction would have been possible. There was one summer stock tour of the show after Broadway. It was in 1958, and the cast included Verdon's Broadway replacement, Evelyn Ward; Marie Kolin, the understudy who had danced the ballet when Verdon was out early on in the run because the understudy they had hired could not do the dancing (when she was hired, they were planning for Anna not to dance); and John Aristide, who had done the ballet with Verdon on Broadway. I'm guessing that Kolin also did the ballet on Broadway after Ward took over. It seems that Ward was a good enough dancer to do the other dancing, but not good enough for the ballet. The Fosse choreography was used on the tour but was adapted to the in-the-round theatres in which the tour played. After this tour, the show pretty much disappeared as far as I know. There was no national tour. Whereas most of the other shows from which choreography appeared in Fosse were more recent, had been done a lot more with the Fosse choreography, and in many, perhaps all, cases, there was video of the original choroegraphy.

PlayWiz brings up another possible reason below, but I think it simply would not have been possible even if they had wanted to do it.

You may remember that when Jerome Robbins' Broadway was done, the On the Town sequence had new choreography — even if some of it may have been similar to the original — because there was no film of the original choreography and no one, including Robbins, remembered much of it.

Previous: why didn't they recreate the Brothel Ballet when thay did FOSSE/? - bmc 02:37 pm EDT 05/12/24
Next: re: why didn't they recreate the Brothel Ballet when thay did FOSSE/? - larry13 09:39 pm EDT 05/12/24

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