Pick the Tonys with Talkin' Broadway

This joint appearance of Fred and Adele Astaire surfaced as well
Last Edit: PlayWiz 03:15 am EDT 05/11/24
Posted by: PlayWiz 03:06 am EDT 05/11/24
In reply to: re: Adele Astaire’s “Dark Victory” screen test. - BroadwayTonyJ 12:55 am EDT 05/11/24

at the Stage Door Canteen. Adele doesn't really speak into the mic, but she does kick up her heels a few times, and Fred is notable also for not wearing his toupee in public. There's genuine affection shown between the two. Here's hoping something with her really dancing surfaces. But great that these exist. It's the third one on the YouTube page that shows up -- for some reason the link I've pasted won't go directly to the clip. Thanks for that screen test -- even though the "Dark Victory" scene doesn't really suit her -- she's trying for sophistication and she's inherently down to earth and adorable -- she's still very charming, especially in the song.
Link Fred and Adele Astaire

Previous: re: Adele Astaire’s “Dark Victory” screen test. - BroadwayTonyJ 12:55 am EDT 05/11/24
Next: McNeal question - SlopeGirl 06:57 pm EDT 05/10/24

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